The Disaster series are mix media works that concern gender politics. Disasters are powerful yet unspeakable. People tend not to think or talk about them, but they can happen anytime. The nature of disaster is similar to the unspeakable realities of women’s body that half of the world population is experiencing. This body of works reveal these realities by using unconventional subject matter with traditional stitches on non-traditional material.ent above this line
Christy Chow ‘Flood’ 2017 - embroidery on vinyl
周穎璇所獲獎項包括香港人權藝術獎(2017),美國東北最佳藝術碩士(2015)及波士頓年輕藝術家(2015)。她曾在香港及多國展出包括美國奧克蘭資本主義博物館; 美國阿爾伯克基516藝術空間; 香港Para-site藝術空間; 波蘭現代藝術博物館; 挪威特隆赫姆美術館; 泰國MAIIAM當代藝術博物館; 緬甸仰光TS1藝術空間; 美國紐約Anges Varies表演藝術中心; 美國波士頓808畫廊; 美國波士頓Bakalar&Paine畫廊; 香港包氏畫廊及西班牙卡地斯當代藝術空間。周穎璇目前在香港生活和工作。
Christy Chow (b.1983) was born and grew up in Hong Kong. Chow has a background in theatre stage management and cultural studies. She creates video installations and interactive sculptures that concern humanity, sustainability and social justice. Through her on-going project “Laborland”, a dystopia and an amusement park where labor and play converged, she acts as a facilitator of alternate experiences and economies that operate in a way that is antagonistic to capital. Chow holds a BA from The University of Hong Kong, a BFA from RMIT University and a MFA from Massachusetts College of Art and Design.
Chow is a recipient of awards and residencies including Hong Kong Human Rights Arts Prize (2017), The Best of the Northeast Masters of Fine Arts (2015), Boston Young Contemporaries (2015). She has exhibited internationally at venues such as Museum of Capitalism, Oakland; 516 Arts, Albuquerque; Para-site Art Space, Hong Kong; Museum of Modern Art, Poland; Kunsthall Trondheim, Norway; MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum, Thailand; TS1 Yangon, Myanmar; Gibney Dance: Anges Varies Performing Arts Center, New York; 808 Gallery, Boston; Bakalar & Paine Galleries, Boston; Merino Art Centre, Boston; Pao Gallery, Hong Kong; Espacio de Creación Contemporánea, Spain. Chow currently lives and works in Hong Kong.