I often hear the elders say, "Stop wandering in the daze, it wastes time!"
Ar Sai Hong Shek, “Drazilla,” Cheung Chau, 2020
When you are on a ferry or at an island looking at the floating clouds on the horizon, do you have different imaginations in your mind? In the Chinese language, Wandering in a daze is the same pronunciation as Floating Cloud. Every time you look at the shape of the clouds, you can arouse your imagination. It can be a white rabbit, a sheep, or even Ultraman and Godzilla. As long as you dare to imagine, let floating cloud take you to the wandering soul and enjoy a waste of time. Let your thoughts roam. This design uses Cantonese slang to make a big mouth with a wandering soul eye, showing the state of a wandering soul, and the cloud in the eye is the reflection of you when you look at the wandering cloud, reminding you all the time in the form of a sign to enjoy the imagination moments that wandering soul gives you.
游雲 常常聽到長輩說,”不要再遊魂了,別浪費時間喇!" 當你在船上、在島上看着天邊上的游雲,腦海中有浮現不同的想象嗎? 每次看着雲朵的型態,都能引發出你的想象力,可以是白兔,可以是綿羊,更可以是超人同怪獸,只要你敢於想象,讓游雲帶你遊魂,享受一下浪費時間給你的思想漫遊吧。 本設計以廣東話俚語中擘大個口得個窿同遊魂眼,表現出游魂的狀態,而眼中的雲朵,就是你看着游雲在遊雲時的映象,以一個標誌的形式時刻提醒你要享受遊魂給你的想象空間
Ar Sai Hong Shek, “Ultra28,” Cheung Chau, 2020
Ar Sai Hong Shek, “Dazeeye,” Cheung Chau, 2020
Ar Sai Hong Shek was born in Hong Kong in 1976 and grew up on Cheung Chau Island. He joined the advertising industry in 1996 and went to Shanghai in 2002 to develop. He has been in the advertising industry for more than 20 years. At 2017, he was evolving into an illustrator and designer from a group creative director of 4A advertising agency. He established ISLAND ORIGIN Cheung Chau. From the perspective of the 4th generation of Cheung Chau people. AR SAI started from the traditional concept of the island and poured positive Hong Kong-style design elements into different creative ideas; AR SAI’s works were inspired by the traditional concepts of the East, with optimism and humour. Different interpretations of the original local or modern creativity, makes viewers learn about Eastern culture or ideas, and achieve another cultural exchange. Follow his work on Instagram @islandorigincc
阿西康石出生於1976年的香港,成長於長洲島,於一九九六年投身廣告行業,二零零二年前往上海發展,在廣告行業打滾超過二十年,於二零一七年由4A廣告公司創意群總監的身份轉型成為插畫師,設計師,成立長洲島人源品。 阿西以第四代長洲人的角度,從島嶼傳統概念出發,將正向港味的設計元素灌注到不同的創意想法之中;阿西的作品多受東方的傳統概念啟發,以樂觀而幽默的本土或現代創意作不同演繹,使觀賞者認識東方文化或理念之餘,達至另一種的文化交流。
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